Uses 1 x annunciator space on inner door.
The FireSense GRM-2008 Suppression Control Modules are used to control the release of fire suppressing gas in a fire situation. This Gas Module comes complete with automatic and manual extinguishing agent control, control inputs/outputs, indicators and release sequence in accordance with AS4214 standard requirements.
The Gas Module comes with three detection zones. If there is any single zone which is active, the Gas Module will operate a Level 1 alarm, the “DO NOT ENTER” warning sign will activate and a Level 1 alarm will be indicated.
If a 2nd or 3rd alarm activates, the module will operate a Level 2 alarm and will activate the Level 2 alarm outputs and start the Extinguishing Agent time delay which is adjustable from 0 to 990 seconds, (in 10 Second increments). After the time delay has expired, the module will activate the Extinguishing Agent discharge device.